The Last 12 Months

Hannah Oliva
June 18, 2024

Can I be honest and just say that the last 12 months have been a s*** show?

Not a waste.
Not a wash.
“Optimist” is in my LinkedIn headline after all.

But definitely the hardest year I’ve had in a LONG time.

Expectation and reality couldn’t have been further apart.

A sibling had a severe mental health crisis…
Another had a cancer diagnosis…
Startup life was hard…
My anxiety was rising by the day…

I tried to muscle through it and keep showing up but after one final glitch, I had to face the music.

People were telling me I didn’t have my usual spark…
That my enthusiasm seemed to vanish…
That they were starting to worry about me…
I didn’t love this for myself.

So reluctantly, I told everyone that I needed a pause.


I felt near-instant relief.

The pressure was off.

I know that life waits for no one but there’s something quite liberating about telling it to go on without you.

I’d love to talk about all that’s already started to unfold for me after committing to taking a break, but that’s for another day.

The point right here and right now is… if you need a break and you can give yourself the gift of taking it, just do it.

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