Gather and LIsten

Hannah Oliva
June 18, 2024

Something WILD happened in the chat section of a webinar I was on last week… 🤯

One of my clients was hosting a free webinar for their community.

I love to occasionally pop into these events to read the chat section as a form of social listening.

The host was giving a series of tips on how to overcome a problem when, suddenly, one of the tips struck a chord.

“I want to try that!”


“I’ve been wanting to do this — does anyone want to try that with me?”

“Leave your email address in this thread so we can try this together.”

These types of interactions ^^ went on LONG after the host moved on to another point.

This was a huge signal.

We saw a clear need in our audience.

Community was forming before our eyes.

While the webinar was intended to promote one thing, we left with a signal that is already sparking customer research surveys and, likely, new product creation. (Will report back on how this goes)

The point of this post is that a great strategy for any business is: Gather and Listen.

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