Following The Fun

Hannah Oliva
June 17, 2024

Growing up, my hometown was a place I wanted to escape.

I was raised below the poverty line and after my mom passed away when I was 14, I had one plan: get out.

Step 1: Finish high school with enough scholarships to…

Step 2: Leave for college and have a good enough resume to…

Step 3: Start a steady career and make enough money to…


And while the plan worked, I left the experience with hustle being hard-wired into my veins.

Whether I realized it in the moment or not, nearly everything I did was fueled by a desire to create more distance between where I was and where I came from.

Spoiler alert: That’s an exhausting way to live.

Over the years, I’ve learned to check in with myself when it feels like I’m moving at 100mph.

I know I’m a builder at heart and most of my movement today is fueled by creativity and curiosity.

But every now and then… that sneaky survival-mode switches on and I need to pause and remind myself that I’m okay.

To help spot the difference, I ask myself:

Am I doing this because it’s fun?

Am I enjoying this?

Do I WANT this?

Here’s to following the fun this week ☕️

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